Casting Solutions, Inc. Solidifying your Metal Casting needs since 1969


In-house Prototyping

Casting Solutions has added in-house prototyping via FDM (Fused Disposition Modeling). The material we use is ABS and the capability was added for a number of reasons:

  • To present hard samples representative of your part for production
  • To build low-volume investment cast tools
  • To speed fixturing and tooling development (typically cuts 3-5 weeks off production process)

Scaled Representative Casting

Scaled Representative Casting
This part was scaled down from a 200+ lb. casting for a customer presentation

Lead Time Reduction Sample

Tool Lead Time Reduction Samples
Used to build machining fixtures and saved the customer four weeks in production tooling

Low-Volue Investment Cast Tool

Low-Volume Investment Cast Tool
This tool has run over 100 shots with no issues. Cost of tooling: approx. $1000

Contact Us

Last Updated 6/1/2015
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